Problem & Opportunity.
Representation matters for kids. The National Center For Education Statistics found that 48% of school-aged children are Black or Latino and projected that by 2024, the majority of the children in our school systems will be children of color.
Representation matters for adults too. While the number of Black and Latino children is rapidly rising, the number of Black and Latino male principals is not. Currently, only 13% of their Principals are Black or Latino males, and that number is not moving. That number does not represent the population of kids we are serving.
Lack of Diversity. Black and Latinos make up 17% of the population in the U.S; however, they make up only 1% of the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. While white people make up 63% of the population in the U.S., they make up 74% of the CEOs in the Ed Sector and 91% representation as CEOs at a Fortune 500 company.

48% of school aged children are Black and Latino
Only 13% of Principals are Black and Latino Males
Only 17% of CEO's in the Ed sector are Black or Latino

2023 Yass Prize Finalist

We are thrilled to announce that NFBLME has been named a 2023
Yass Prize Finalist and won a $500,000 STOP Award for Sustainable, Transformational, Outstanding and Permissionless education.
The Yass Prize, known as the Pulitzer of Education Innovation, seeks, rewards and celebrates innovative organizations trying to break the cycle of ineffective education that is failing students across the country. As one of nine finalists selected from a pool of 33 semifinalists, the National Fellowship for Black and Latino Male Educators received its award to accelerate its mission and to change the underrepresentation of Black and Latino male educators in this country.

We have built a national virtual fellowship cohort program that are creating a new generation of excellence in Black and Latino male leaders.
Our Tribe of program leaders and fellows consist of senior level executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, principals, assistant principals, deans, teachers, and a whole host of diverse roles that are impacting educational spaces across the country.